TUVUNU: A Philosophy of Authenticity, Flavor, and Value

In the context of the campaign for TUVUNU tea, which is already on the air, Nikolaos Mpilios, Director of Corporate Relations & Communications, and Georgios Kanakis, Marketing & Trade Marketing Manager of Macedonia Thrace Brewery, spoke to advertising.gr about the trajectory and plans of the brand, its philosophy and characteristics, the new era beginning with 360-degree communication, and the major goal of further international expansion.

How did the idea for creating TUVUNU by the Macedonia Thrace Brewery come about? What has been the brand’s market trajectory so far and what synergies exist with MTB?

Nikolaos Mpilios: The endeavor began in 2010 when we thought about utilizing to the fullest extent the productive capacity of one of Europe’s most modern breweries, the Macedonia Thrace Brewery A.E. in Komotini, to produce a new, 100% natural and healthy beverage that would change the dynamics in the global soft drink market.

Even the name of our product is an innovation in itself. TUVUNU is euphonious, descriptive, and advertises Greece all over the world, simultaneously teaching our foreign friends Greek. They understand how we refer to tea in Greece.

Our first can of TUVUNU tea was bottled in February 2013 at the facilities of Macedonia Thrace Brewery A.E., a company that owns the brand, as well as the well-known beer “Vergina,” in Komotini.

The choice of Sideritis, commonly known as “Mountain Tea,” was made after our decision to base our new endeavor exclusively on raw materials provided by the Greek land. After evaluating the beneficial properties provided by a range of Greek herbs and plants and considering factors such as taste, ease of cultivation, availability of genetic material, and cultivable areas, we decided on Sideritis. Additionally, a significant factor in this decision was that the mountainous areas of Thrace, where the production unit is located, are ideal for cultivating Sideritis.

Nikolaos Mpilios, Director of Corporate Relations & Communications, Macedonia Thrace Brewery

What are your products?

Georgios Kanakis: Our flagship products start with TUVUNU with honey and lemon, which is the recipe featuring sideritis, honey, and freshly squeezed lemon juice. This is followed by “TUVUNU Free” with zero (0) calories, a 100% organic product containing only three ingredients (water, sideritis, and lemon juice), which can be enjoyed cold, hot, or even in mocktails/cocktails. In fact, this is what almost all of us drink daily at the office.

Lastly, we also offer natural carbonated water TUVUNU in the distinctive blue bottle.

Γεώργιος Κανάκης Marketing & Trade Marketing Manager, Ζυθοποιία Μακεδονίας Θράκης

Where are the crops you use for your tea grown?

Nikolaos Mpilios: The Sideritis we use in our products comes exclusively from Greek farms. It’s important to note that we refuse to accept products from collectors who forage in the mountains and cause significant damage to our local ecosystems. All of our production comes from our contract farming, which started in the mountains of Rhodope and Xanthi and has now expanded to several mountainous areas in Northern and Central Greece.

New campaign, new strategy?

Georgios Kanakis: Our new campaign is already airing and the reception has been heartwarming. With the main motto “The taste of the authentic” complemented by “as if you made it yourself,” our communication aims to highlight the unique quality features of our products, which are key advantages over the competition (no sugar, no caffeine, no colorants), as well as the natural production process.

TUVUNU contains no caffeine like conventional tea drinks, nor does it contain sugar or colorants and other kinds of preservatives. The “with honey and lemon” flavor has minimal calories (15 per 100ml), while a calorie-free, 100% organic version is available in the TUVUNU Free edition.

We exclusively use Greek raw materials for producing TUVUNU products, specifically: Organic Sideritis (“mountain tea”) and Organic Lemon, produced in Northern Greece, along with Greek floral honey. The Sideritis used comes solely from Greek farms, from local growers, and is harvested using traditional methods (green production practices) in the mountain villages of Northern Greece and beyond. In this way, the product substantially contributes to the local community, creating a profitable transaction between the farmer and the company, which is distributed locally. As the product gains a share of the Greek market, the profitability spreads throughout the Greek territory.

The new campaign marks a new era for product communication and will run throughout the summer season on TV, digital, and online media. There will also be outdoor executions and collaborations with influencers, with more to come, so… stay tuned!

Our extroversion and dynamic growth is our strategic goal.

What sets TUVUNU apart from other beverages on the market?

Georgios Kanakis: One can consume it cold to cool off during the summer months or hot during the winter. Additionally, many central hotels and bars in Athens and Thessaloniki use it as a base for breathtaking cocktails! Our tea is so pure and authentic in terms of its ingredients that it is suitable for small children, while also having a delightful taste.

Will TUVUNU also go international?

Nikolaos Mpilios: It already is. Overall, it’s available in over 10 countries so far, including the USA, England, and Germany, with more continually being added. We will soon expand into the Dubai market, which is a key gateway to the entire Middle East.

How is mountain tea perceived outside Greece?

Nikolaos Mpilios: The reception abroad could be described as enthusiastic! People are tired of preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors and want to know exactly what they are consuming. As most abroad are unfamiliar with its history and taste, we serve them TUVUNU chilled, and then we heat it and serve the same product hot. Usually, this tasting is enough to convince and win them over! The products of Greek land are our treasure that we must protect as the apple of our eye. Our wealth is our land and its ingredients, and we convey this everywhere. We hear politicians talk about the EEZ and the mineral wealth beneath the land. I would suggest we better start with the wealth that lies above the ground, which is priceless! For example, a barrel of oil costs $110, which is about 80 euros per 100 liters, whereas the cold beverages we sell are priced above 200 euros per 100 liters.

What does the new era of TUVUNU products define for Macedonia Thrace Brewery S.A.?

Nikolaos Mpilios: TUVUNU is not just a product. It’s a philosophy of authenticity, flavor, and value that we create. We think simply and act collectively and ecologically. We dream and enact making TUVUNU known and sought after across the globe. We want and we can. Greek nature offers us its exceptional treasures, the water and flora that can meet the timeless needs for good health, beneficial enjoyment, and balanced growth. With this vision and our aim to produce goods beneficial for the consumer, the grower, and the environment, we aim to minimize our carbon footprint. Thus, we adopt a series of “green” practices applied at every stage of production, management, and distribution of our products, such as the use of 99.9% recyclable packaging and pricing based on the environmental burden caused per product. We insist on exclusively using the pure raw materials of Greece, without preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors. Additionally, we implement an ambitious contract farming program in Macedonia and Thrace and develop a network of collaborations and exports that enhance the Greek economy and employment. TUVUNU signifies authenticity, sustainability, and prosperity for the entire community, local-national and global. This is what development means to us, and this is how we make our vision a reality.